Thursday, November 19, 2009

Budgeting Software That Does It All (and Won't Cost You a Dime)

I recently came across an online budgeting tool that is one of the best that I've seen. It allows you to pull in all of your financial data from various bank accounts, brokerage accounts, etc. in just a few simple steps. You can create new budget categories easily and track your spending in each category. Best of all, it allows you to "rollover" your balance to the next month for each budget category where you didn't spend all of your allocated funds. This rollover feature is something that I haven't been able to find in other budgeting software such as Quicken. In addition, the software will track all of your investments, debts, and spending patterns, and provide you with an estimate of your investment performance compared to a standard stock market index such as the S&P 500. Finally, it will automatically update your account balances and compute your net worth each time you log in. The software is easy to use and is completely free! Just go to to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. I have created budgets plan on in wedding category that plan was quite good Now I am trying on school fees.
